personal info

my picture
  • About : Software Developer|Trainer|Open Source Contributer|Competitive Coder|Innovation Enthusiastic|CS Undergrad
  • name : Prasun Das
  • Address : West Bengal,India
  • phone : +917685044881
  • Email :

My Skills


  • C++ 14
  • JavaScript
  • Typescript
  • Python


  • Html
  • Css
  • Saas
  • Material-Ui
  • Bootstrap
  • Next js
  • React
  • React-Native
  • Redux
  • jQuery
  • Vue


  • Node
  • Php
  • FastAPI
  • Ejs
  • Express js


  • Mongo DB
  • Mysql
  • Redis


  • RabbitMQ
  • Elastic Search
  • REST framework
  • NATS streaming server


  • Docker
  • kubernatives
  • Firebase
  • Git
  • Jekins


  • React Native
  • Scrapy
  • Electron
  • Selenium
  • Jest
  • Web3 js

Experience & Education

  • May 2022 - Present
    Software DeveloperQuantorix

  • Aug 2021 - April 2022
    Software Developer InternIEMLABS

    MERN and PHP trainer and developing their inhouse projects

  • Mar 2021 - Aug 2021
    Web Developer and TrainerIEMLABS

    * Taught Valina Javascript, React Js, MongoDB, NodeJs,Core PHP and SQL to around 50+ students

    * Collaborated with the dev team for projects

    * Improved their course pattern and structure

  • June 2021 - July 2021
    Freelance Full Stack DeveloperScientific Instrument Concern

    *Planned and developed Their UI UX using ReactJs, Material UI, and Redux

    * Developed their backend using Node Js and Mongo DB

    * Developed the admin pannel with proper authentication and integrated third party SMTP transport service

    * Connected with Cpanel and hosted the website on

  • Feb 2021 - Nov 2021
    React DeveloperAberrantz Inc

    * Worked in Snapparc which is a subpart of the Aberrantz group

    * Planned and improved the UI UX of the website using React Redux and material UI

    * Optimised the overall loading time up to 60%

    * Added payment integration using Paypal in frontend part

  • Dec 2020 - Present
    Web Developer Lead Ureckon

    Volunteer Web developer for developing Ureckon site.

  • Nov 2020 - Dec 2020
    Freelancer Treatap

    Worked in a team of freelance developer and ui ux designer on LMS system

  • June 2020 - Mar 2021
    Full-stack Web Developer Quordnet Academy

    * Worked as a part of Quordnet group on their website from scratch.

    * Structured and populated their database which is based on MongoDB

    * Worked on their frontend part using React , Sass to create dynamic and responsive website

  • Sept 2020 - Dec 2020
    Freelance Quordnet Services

    * Covered around 15+ projects which include working with ReactJs, NodeJs, MongoDB, WireShark and simul8

    * Worked with system design and computer networking problems